Monday, 20 January 2014


East Lothian Greens are challenging the county's politicians to state whether they support a ban on fracking, after the First Minister failed to rule out allowing the controversial process.

East Lothian is included in a map recently produced by the UK Government suggesting areas for shale gas exploration by hydraulic fracturing, otherwise known as fracking.

In the Scottish Parliament last week Patrick Harvie MSP, Co-convener of the Scottish Greens, said there can be no safe buffer zone for such developments and that they have no place in Scotland.

The First Minister described shale gas as providing "undoubted opportunities". This appears at odds with SNP MSP for Musselburgh Colin Beattie who has said he has "deep concerns and worry" over such exploration.

East Lothian Greens co-convener Susan Moffat said:

"Fracking poses unnecessary risks for East Lothian communities. It won’t deliver long-term jobs and won't bring down energy bills.

"The SNP's failure to rule out the development of another form of fossil fuel undermines our opportunity for low carbon industries and sustainable jobs. I think people in East Lothian will want to know where the county's politicians stand on this important issue.

"Climate scientists and financial experts are already telling us we have access to more fossil fuels than we can safely burn if we're serious about limiting climate change, so fracking for gas is the last thing we need."

At their party conference last October Scottish Greens agreed a call for a moratorium on so-called unconventional gas developments. By contrast a month earlier Libdems agreed to support fracking.

Official Report from First Minister's Questions

Scottish Green Party condemns Scottish Government for opening the door to unconventional gas developments such as fracking, October 2013

Libdems back fracking, September 2013